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Dine’s Health and Beauty company introduces hair extensions & wigs in Limbe Cameroon.

Today, everything we need is literally at our fingertips. There are endless amounts of products to choose from whenever we want it. It seems like we’re so programmed for convenience these days, right? Dine’s Healthy and Beauty Company is a professional make up, health and beauty parlor. Introducing another outstanding extension (Hairs) with Human hair...


Tenor freed from prison for health issue purpose.

Thierry Mengoumou Ayia, artistically known as Tenor, was released from prison yesterday Friday, August 27, 2021. According to prison officials, he was released from prison for health reasons. (He had contracted an infection). Also, it is very difficult for someone who lived in total luxury to survive in Cameroonian prisons. As a reminder, Tenor was...


Health and weight: Does being “fat” make you unhealthy? Is weight just a number?

We live in a society obsessed about weight and size. There is always a new trend on how to lose weight and eat healthy. With so much information people become misled as some of theinformation we come across are just myths, we are about to debunk the first food and health myth today.  No; being “fat” doesn’t necessarily mean you are unhealthy and being thin is not a...

Is there a lot of heat and you can’t sleep? What to do.

Is there a lot of heat and you can’t sleep? What to do.

What can we do to sleep better when it is too hot? Here are some explanations and advice with Doctor Bertrand de la Giclais, head of the sleep center at Annecy-Argonay (Haute-Savoie). “The main enemy of sleep is heat. To fall asleep, it is necessary to lower the body temperature by 0.5 ° C. However,...

Hot water, a solution to all your health issues!!

Hot water, a solution to all your health issues!!

Regular consumption of hot water eradicates many ailments. Studies by a group of Japanese doctors confirm that regular consumption of hot water can solve 100% of a number of health problems, such as migraine, hypertension, low blood pressure, joint pain, heart problems , epilepsy, high cholesterol, cough, asthma, blockage of veins, venereal disease, stomach problems,...

Tips to maintain white teeth.

Tips to maintain white teeth.

Having brown teeth nowadays isn’t an easy task. Lots of people rarely laugh due to the fact that they are a little bit timid to show off their teeth. Teeth whitening treatment has gone a long way to be a good solution but one still needs tips in order to maintain white teeth after teeth...